Why Do You Need to Follow Up?
Just like in life, in email marketing, the initial interest to your offer does not guarantee to close the deal. That is why sales follow up emails are called to…
Email Sender Reputation - why is important in 2020
The sender’s reputation (or rating) is the main criteria that affects the hit of emails in the Inbox folder (not the spam one). As in life, goodies are forgiven…
118 Spam Words that Will Make Your Email Marketing Campaign Fail
In order to improve user experience, email services provide special algorithms in order to protect people from receiving the unwelcomed mail – spam. Those technologies…
Why Are Emails Going to Spam? The Reasons and Ways to Escape Spam Filters
If you are a hardworking email marketer, you put a lot of efforts to create a perfect (according to your goals and views) campaign. But even the experts face difficulties…
Improve Inbox Placement and Email Deliverability: Spam
Did you ever think how a few simple actions can really protect you from being sent to spam? Well, actually all previously mentioned tips also are important in reaching…