How to pick locks with Proofy + Mailchimp?
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Meanwhile, in this blog, I need to describe to you the technologies and algorithms that seem complex at first glance.
But, as we know, thereâs nothing complicated in this world. The question is the amount of time to study and the right approach.
Therefore, I always try to explain all sorts of technical stuff with the help of simple and understandable comparisons and allegories. So forgive the pun, but in this article, we will talk about how to reach the clientâs heart on the example of breaking locks. And also mention a few must-have books for each marketer.
Just in case, we inform you that we post this content only for informational purposes. We are against any violation of the law! đ
So letâs get to the deal.
To open the lock, you need the picklock to move the necessary pins at the correct distance and in the correct order.
This is how it looks like:
<iframe src=”https://giphy.com/embed/GIB5o5XQW0tlm” width=”480″ height=”270″ frameBorder=”0″ class=”giphy-embed” allowFullScreen></iframe><p><a href=”https://giphy.com/gifs/keys-locks-lock-picking-GIB5o5XQW0tlm”>via GIPHY</a></p>)
As you understand, by lock we mean the heart of the client, and the lock-picking means our interactions. And here are the promised techniques from the superb books.
«Permission marketing». Seth Godin
The topic of permission marketing was opened by Seth Godin, claiming that buyers are tired of intrusive marketing so much that they begin to defend themselves. The interaction between the buyer and the seller has turned from cooperation to confrontation. Business wants to get into the customerâs field of view by hook or by crook, and clients dream about reducing the advertising noise. As a result, everything is lost: both sellers throw money away, and buyers do not get really useful information.Â
The author suggests to change the approach: think about what information the consumer is looking for, what he will allow him to show. And such permitted information will be perceived and processed.
Thus, it will be easier for us to start the lock-picking process.
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The Like Switch: An Ex-FBI Agent’s Guide to Influencing, Attracting, and Winning People Over. Jack Schafer, Marvin KarlinsÂ
What kind of relationship can exist without trust? In the basic principles of social communication, there is one particularly pleasant – the principle of sympathy. People are more likely to trust handsome people (or brands).Â
But what if nature has not given you attractive features or your lifestyle has left its mark on your face? The answer is simple: turn on the charm. How exactly – it is your call, the field for creativity.
That’s how we’re starting to break the lock a bit by bit.
The SPEED of TRUST: The One Thing That Changes Everything Paperback. Stephen M. R. Covey
After creating sympathy, you can move on to building trust. If your clients trust you, your relationship will accelerate. You do not need to spend time on formalizing agreements, organizing control systems, creating reports. You can simply do your job as well as possible and direct your energies to achieve results, rather than proving that everything is done correctly.Â
How to achieve such a relationship? The author reveals his formula of trust. Three things should be transparent and clear to the client: your intentions, your competence, and your experience. The book describes how to achieve such transparency, both at the level of the individual and at the level of the organization.
So hacking the lock, be careful not to break it.
Questions that Sell: The Powerful Process for Discovering What Your Customer Really Wants. Paul Cherry
Our customers can not remain indifferent if we show a sincere interest in them. But how to do it?Â
Use questions. Magic words that can melt any ice in the communication, if they are asked correctly. Super-common and regular questions do not have this ability. You need to be able to ask the correct ones.Â
This book is a selection of blanks for the upcoming conversation with the client. Starting from the easiest questions and ending with the composite educational, enlightening and far-sighted issues.Â
After reading the book, you will learn not only how to ask questions, but also how to work with answers: with valid ones, with evasions, with false answers.Â
People rarely put all they have accumulated on the soul on the table. Who are you to show you all the cards? Therefore, you need to be ready to process the answers correctly so that the conversation continues.
So, question after question, pain after pain, we reach the goal – the lock is opened! And the deal is made.
I hope my mad skills in allegories didn’t seem too much to you đ
Good luck!