How to create emotional content and make your audience feel something

Have you ever been on the verge of a breakdown while writing an article? Some writers regularly experience such a pleasure.
That’s why I want to pretend I’m Julius Cesar and tell you about several gizmos at once:

  1. How to put emotions into content creation.
  2. How to express your emotions.
  3. How to evoke emotions.

Do we need emotions in content marketing?

Emotional content helps the author to relieve his soul. Readers also see they are not the only ones experiencing emotions, so loyalty and involvement increases, as well as willing to comment and share the post.

The downside is that not everyone can use emotional content with the same effectiveness. For example, if you have never expressed emotions before, you risk losing your reputation by starting to show them. The audience perceives the abrupt change of style as the author’s uncertainty.

How to put emotions into content

Putting emotions (or your soul) into content is not the same as expressing them in our lives. You feel emotions no matter if you are riding on a roller coaster, or just sitting and writing an article. But if you don’t give them away out, you’ll either go crazy or get distracted all the time. In the (our contact validation service) team we know it for sure.

You can be excited by creating something good for others, and a little annoyed because of diffidence. Or you can be bored while writing about a topic that does not touch you at all.

We can write articles the way we feel. If you want to write and irritated text ― just do it. Mentally repeat each phrase with the intonation it will be read. It’s better not to limit yourself and never be afraid to write something unanticipated that comes to your mind, rather than trying to ignore all senses trying to keep the determined style.

This point also concerns personal effectiveness, because it helps you stay focused on one task. And the stronger the emotions, the better you can concentrate (especially when being angry :D). Hemingway advised to write drunk and edit sober. That’s what you can do – edit the article when the emotions subside.

As a result, you will have an article that is useful for readers, but not too expressive.

How to Express your emotions

You may hear advice to use an explicit language because it adds spice to the text. This a great option, if you usually swear in you everyday life, but be careful not to overdo.

If you, for example, never swear whatever’s going on, and then you write ten “F words” in your material – anyone spots falsity.

So expressing emotions makes sense when you actually feel them. If you try to show that there’s a thin that bothers you or makes you angry, but in fact, you don’t care – the falsehood will be obvious. Write about what touches you.

Another way of expressing emotions is to choose the most accurate phrases. Some authors might think the writer’s power is to speak floridly and pretentiously, but in fact, people love the exact words. Fortunately, there are enough words in English to describe anything. Yet if you do not have the right word – you can always come up with a new one.

You can say something like this:

Wood with a porous structure is inapplicable manufacturing chairs.

Or like this:

You can’t do chairs using rotten wood.

Which option is better? You decide.

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How to evoke emotions

It’s the most complicated part.

We can precisely obey all the above rules while creating our content, but if it doesn’t “resonate” with the reader’s mind, the only thought he has is “what have I just read???”.

To make your text evoke someone else’s emotions, you need to understand why you feel that way. You should also understand that if you are angry because of a pit in your parking space, it’s not a reason to gush emotions on your Twitter account. But in the text about driving conditions in your state ― it should prove to be useful.

So the algorithm is:

  1. Just do your daily stuff until you start hating something most in this world.
  2. Write about this when emotions are at their peak.

Write everything exactly the way you think about it, the superfluousness you’ll cut out later, leaving only what you need to describe your opinion.

And, of course, don’t edit the text immediately – do it when you move away from emotions. In this case, you do not risk leaving or removing too much

The main rules (How to create emotional content) 

Here’s a brief conclusion from this article:

  1. Write precisely
  2. Write while experiencing emotions
  3. Write with the intent

But there is a rule, without which a good result can not be obtained: you have to tell the truth or believe in what you say. Otherwise, everything you say looks fake.

After all, we can spend hours talking about how to make a sensual article or how to evoke more emotions, but for the most part, it comes with experience.

Emotions are not an exact science. Sometimes the text can be florid, short, expressive, with lame meaning and terrible facts, but it can have a mood and atmosphere. So keep calm and find your own style and vision.

The whole team of our email verification startup wishes you good luck!