Acceptable Use Policy

Last updated: 3 January 2025 в 18:29

We Updated This Policy

This policy documentation became valid on May 25, 2020, and it is a substitution to the Anti-Spam Policy we had before.
If you stay with Proofy since then so your usage of the service will be regulated by this policy.
To get detailed info or the copy of the Anti-Spam Policy we have used before, or you want to stop using this service and delete your account, write an email to the [email protected] address.
Date: May 25, 2020
This Acceptable Use Policy (“AUP”) documentation regulates the activities of Proofy Clients and set the list of allowed and forbidden actions. This document is a part of your Agreement you accepted with the starting using Proofy.

Anti-Spam Policy

Proofy does not accept any spam activity. Under the word “spam” we understand the unwelcomed attempts to reach the person who did not previously allowed this activity.

We check whether the user verifies non-opted-in addresses and restrict the access to our service for users who were detected conducting such activity.

If you want to use our service, you accept our requirements and will verify only emails of the people who opted-in before.

This can be achieved by collecting your database from the website registrations, filling in the purchase forms or other ways of conscious providing the email address by the receiver and accepting your right to deliver them newsletters and other correspondence. Email lists that were bought are not allowed in Proofy as there is proof that they have any owners’ permissions to use them.

You are not allowed to use Proofy’s Service for such purposes:

  • verifying lists of email addresses that were taken from other websites and similar sources
  • verifying bought lists (both with opt-in or not)
  • verifying changed addresses, also known as directory harvesting
  • verifying emails that were created by means of email appending
  • verifying emails the owners of which did not allow you to start communication with them

You are allowed to use Proofy’s Service for such purposes:

  • verifying emails the owners of which opted-in to get messages from you
  • verifying emails you received from your past users to check their accuracy

Detailed info can be found here

Reporting Abuse

Inform us about cases of abuse by emailing to [email protected]. ISPs and Blacklist administrators also can use this address to solve their issues. Your requests will be revised and protect you from the inappropriate behavior.

Handling Complaints Procedure

We will immediately restrict access to our service in case we detect any activity connected with verifying non-opted-in addresses. In case you apply our Service to verify any non-opted-in emails, you may be charged with $100 (US) for every forbidden action (verification, for instance) according to the federal regulations.

To check whether you have verified non-opted-in email addresses we will:

  • check your verifications for signs your email lists are harvested or somehow can be considered as forbidden
  • check whether there are any abuse complaints

Acceptable Use

Being a User of the Proofy, you agree not to apply the Services we provide for any forbidden activity. Otherwise Proofy can immediately restrict your access to the service, cancel your license and other rights you may have within our service. You and other users in your account agree not to do the following:

  • Apply Proofy for the activities that can harm the reputation of the service, its customers and can cause any other damage;
  • Any activities that can lead to the consequences for Proofy, its network or site, team and other people involved in our activity and cause the problems with servers, and service attacks;
  • Trying to apply the service for the activities that are against this Agreement;
  • For the criminal purposes in order to commit a crime or hide the consequences of any other illegal activities;
  • Applying the Service for definitely illegal activity that is aimed on breaking the laws, regulations and violation people’s rights like privacy protection and any other unwelcomed online activity;
  • Involving Services in other illegal, interfering, invading, slanderous or deceitful purposes;
  • Involving Service’s tools in the activity directly or not aimed at distributing unwelcomed commercial messages of any content (“Spamming”);
  • Apply Service’s tools for verifying list of addresses that were received from the third party or any other way without emails owners’ permission;
  • Verifying emails of the people who did not opt-in or the ones, who request the deletion of their address from your database;
  • Involving Service into the activity aimed at harvesting addresses or other ways of obtaining unknown emails;
  • Interrupt the usage of the Proofy’s services by other customers;
  • Changing or somehow affect the functionality of the Services;
  • Conduct any kind of testing or analyzing activity of the Service in order to detect the vulnerable sides of it;
  • Forbidden usage of the data, codes or other system elements in order to test, scan and somehow else detect the vulnerable sides of the service and its security;
  • Any actions that are aimed at the stealing, altering or deleting the contact information like Account Data and IP addresses in order to hide any unwelcomed actions;
  • Other actions that can affect or damage the elements of the Service or the system in general;
    Any other activity that is against the existing laws and violates the Proofy regulations;
    Proofy holds the right to restrict access to the Service and its usage for any customers or company due to its own considerations.