This policy documentation became valid on May 15, 2018, and it is a substitution to the Terms of Service we had before. Users accept new changes by keeping using the Proofy service and their activity will be regulated by new terms. To get detailed info or the copy of the Terms of Service we have used before, or you want to stop using this service and delete your account, write an email to the [email protected] address.
Date: May 15, 2018
This document (also agreement) contains rules for the further collaboration between users and customers and Proofy service itself as means the licence of usage of the service by its clients and authorized users.
To get access to the service users need to push the “Agree” when they sign up. That is how you show that you accept the existing policy and terms, provide the proof that you have got familiarized with this agreement and that you realize that you now agree to receive the service on these terms. If you skip this stem, Proofy will not allow you to use any types of our service and you will have no rights to engage us in any type of business relationships.
- License. According to this terms specified in this document Proofy promise to provide you and your authorized users with rights to use the services for Email Verification and other features of the Proofy service that is meant for its users. Also, you will be provided with the required software that is needed for using our services.
- Term. The period of validity of this license ends at once without any special actions from your side when you stop using the Proofy and your subscription ends. Other cases of termination of the license before the set period can result from the violation of any of our policies, terms and other legal documents and rules that is available here. Also, Proofy holds the right to cancel any subscription and access to the account for the clients and users for any reason.
- Government Order. In case Proofy become prohibited and the providing of the service, software and the access to the existing materials become impossible because of some laws, rules, regulations and other legitimate factors, Proofy does not hold any obligation to you. You cannot demand the terminated services and Proofy is not obligated to explain reasons and provide documents to you considering this situation.
- Ways of Notifying Proofy about cases or suspicions of the copyright violations. When you will have any suspicions that the results of your work and their parts have been copied, plagiarized and somehow else your copyrights were violated, you need to inform the Proofy’s agent who is responsible for the copyright matters and provide the info listed below. The process of notifying and solving copyright matters are valid only in case of Proofy and its affiliates.
- A signature (physical or electronic) of the authorized person who is considered to be the holder of the copyrights
- A characterization of the work on which you hold the copyright and which ones have been violated
- The characterization of the place or resource where you have found the act of violation of your copyrights
- Your contact information including phone number, email, and physical address
- A proof that you are strongly sure that the mentioned usage of your materials can be considered as a violation of your copyrights according to the law
- An acceptance of the fact that you are aware of the penalty of perjury and still you seriously consider that the mentioned act of usage of your materials means the violation of your copyrights
- You can reach the Proofy’s Agent that is responsible for the copyright issues by the following way
- Indemnification. You must free Proofy, its workers, property and affiliates from any responsibilities and costs that can be resulted by the claims, judgments, law suits and so on in the following cases: (1) for violating of patents or other rights considering property according to the situation of connecting with any devises, programs and so on with the service or its parts; (2) for violation of the copyrights, slandering, libeling and other unwelcomed actions with your materials that have been transferred by you via the service; (3) in case of violating any of the terms and conditions specified in this document; (4) health or financial damage, death and other types of harms that have been resulted by your usage of the service as well as in connection with your possibility or impossibility to apply the service.
- Universal Remedies. None of the remedies that have been specified by Proofy can exclude other existing remedies that have been specified by other laws, however, they should be cumulative. In case you decide to cancel this Proofy Agreement, you will be obligated to cover all the Proofy’s expenses considering fees for attorney and collection fees, and other expenses that may occur during the process including but not limited to the phone spends, postal charges, investigation costs, and compensations for the Proofy’s workers’ actions.